By Extend Web Services on Tuesday, 12 January 2021
Category: General

Do Pregnancy Tests Lie?

Have you taken a pregnancy test & it came back positive? You think to yourself, "No.... this can't be right"?! Or maybe it came back negative & you felt the same way. Several factors can contribute to a false reading, so let's review them here.

"Urine pregnancy tests are 99% accurate", according to WebMD LCC (2005-2021). You can go to a medical facility such as your primary doctor's office or local Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) to perform a lab quality urine test. You can also go to your doctor to ask about receiving a blood test. To confirm a pregnancy, an ultrasound or physician exam must be done. Ultrasounds are available for free at a PRC, such as Family Life Center.

If you want your urine pregnancy test to be the most accurate, follow these two tips from WebMD:

If you followed these steps & still feel like the reading is false, other factors can contribute to inaccurate readings. WebMD states that you could have a false-positive result if you have:

False-negative results could occur if:

If you feel like you followed the appropriate protocols when doing an at-home urine pregnancy test & still feel the reading is false, you must visit your doctor to confirm your pregnancy. If your test reads positive & you do not want to be pregnant, make sure to contact your local Pregnancy Resource Center, such as Family Life Center. They can educate you on your options & help you have all that you need to feel more equipped & empowered.


WebMD LLC, 2005-2021.

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