FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Services for Men and Women  

Free Services

Pregnancy Tests

If you have had unprotected sex, or have missed your period, you might be wondering if you are pregnant. The first thing you may want to do is take a pregnancy test. We offer lab-quality pregnancy testing at our center at no cost. 


If you are pregnant, an ultrasound will help determine how far along you are. We offer limited obstetrical ultrasound to prove the viability of pregnancy.

Options Education

We want you to be informed on all of your pregnancy options. When a woman is facing an unexpected pregnancy, she may want education on abortion, the abortion pill, adoption, etc. It is very important that women receive accurate education in a safe environment. We are here to answer your questions. 

Material Assistance

We understand that with a new baby comes the need for material resources such as diapers and bottles. Our center is happy to help supply you with what you need as you begin this new journey into parenthood. 

Post Abortion Support

There is no right or wrong way to feel after your abortion. Every woman’s experience is unique. Relief, anger, sadness, and hope can all exist at one time. That may be confusing, but it’s also normal. If you’re looking for emotional support after abortion, we’re here to help. We have both in person and virtual options for our post abortion recovery program.

Abstinence Training

Abstinence education is designed to teach youth how to walk in sexual wholeness in all areas of their life – physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual. Our character-based education provides opportunities for youth to develop positive traits like respect for self and others, responsibility, honesty, self-discipline, self-control, integrity, fairness, courage, etc. With these skills and traits, abstinence not only makes sense, but is a truly viable option. 

Adoption Referrals

Gifting someone with a child is one of the most courageous acts someone can do. However, considering adoption can be confusing. There is a lot information to sift through. We have a network of credible and professional adoption agencies in the area to which we can refer you. In addition to a list of approved agencies, we provide free educational resources. 

Community Assistance Referrals

We understand that often there is more than parenting resources that you need. We work with other local organizations to provide you with the community and financial resources that can guide you into a stable future. 

Parental Training

We provide education on a wide variety of topics to help moms and dads be the most informed about parenting. We cover newborn care, toddlers, and childhood topics up through the teen years through video education as well as personal discussion with a nurse or trained advocate.  We also offer an 18-week parenting class that incorporates a variety of topics.

Prenatal Classes

Our prenatal classes are designed for all expecting moms and dads to provide the basic fundamentals of parenting. Pregnancy, childbirth, child development, parenting skills and more are the focus of these sessions. 

Fatherhood Program

Our fatherhood program helps dads look at their experience with their own father, learn the skills needed to be a great dad, and better understand the important role a dad plays in the life of his children. Additionally, we will discuss aspects of the mother-father relationship as it relates to parenting. 

STI/STD Testing

Most people with an STD/STI don’t know it. Prompt treatment and early detection can help prevent complications of some STD/STI’s. Since many people in the early stages of STD/STI’s, experience no problems, screening is important to prevent complications. With or without symptoms, disease can still spread from person to person.

Post Abortion Assessment

Four to six weeks following an abortion procedure we offer a post abortion assessment with one of our Registered Nurses and a post abortion advocate. We will assess your health for undetected complications and consult with our medical director when necessary.


Need help? Have a question? We're here to help.


Hours of Operation:
  • Monday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday
    9:00am - 8:00pm
  • Wednesday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday


Hours of Operation:
  • Monday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday


Hours of Operation:
  • Monday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday
    9:00am - 5:00pm

We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate education about abortion procedures and risks.
The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.